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My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:57 am
by texan1
This may be a dumb question but this is the first MH we have owned so here goes,I read here that people talk about metal roofs on their MH and I was looking at ours and it looks like some type of fiber composite.It looks as if it were molded to fit over the existing roof,it has molded "V" channel for water runoff but looks as if you can order a "cap"by giving measurements of the trailer and they bring a molded piece and bond it on.Is this correct?I noticed a tear in a part approx.1/2"wide and 10"long that maybe got ripped by a tree limb so I put my finger in the tear and there is another layer under so this made me curious as to how to go about fixing the tear or is it necessary?You guys sure seem to know MHs because I can always find the info needed when I have questions.Thanks.

Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:02 am
by JD
Before I could suggest a repair, I would need to know what type of roof it is. Is the roof material like a soft rubber sheet? Pictures of the tear, any seams, vents and termination of the edge of the roof would be very helpful.


Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:15 pm
by texan1
It does not feel like rubber,it feels like a fiber composite or fiberglass composite.Stiff but pliable and the only thing I can compare it to is the fiber type roof that is used on some small storage buildings.I was at Lowes awhile back and noticed they sell a type of corrugated fiber roofing and this stuff on our MH feels about the same.

Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:32 pm
by JD
Sorry, I am probably not much help on this one. I have never seen a roof product like you are describing.

I would still think that the roof could be patched with common repair products like Eternabond Roof Tape, which Mark sells here at his Books & Parts link above, and/or Ames Research roof coatings.

Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:09 pm
by Greg
It sounds like from his description like this type of material. I have never worked with it so I really have no ideas for you. Here's Lowes link ... ity_sold|1

Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:34 pm
by texan1
Greg,that is what it feels like but it is flat not corrugated.What types of roofs were done in the 1974-1978 years?I think this is a 1976 Fleetwood.

Re: My Mobile Roof

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:39 pm
by Greg
The most common around here for that era home was metal, very few had shingles. If I had to guess, I would say that it was re roofed at some point, but as I said I have never work with that type of material. Greg