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Porch door leaking intio California room

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:56 pm
by buffee
Thank God I have Indoor/outdoor carpet in both room. So it has RAINED & there is heavy wind, but wev'e had worse.
Tonight I go out into California room to brush my cats & ready them for bed and notice that my socks are damp. Panic aets in...ROOF leak? left one of the 13 windows open....I get the flashlight and the carpet at least a 2 x 4 piece is REALLY wet! WTF!!!! so I get the flashlight and unlock the front door to go onto the front porch and that carpet is SOAKED..I mean wet...none of the furniture is that wet, so its not coming from the back into the CALIFORNIA room...aha!
There is a door from the front porch that goes into the California room. It has been blocked off for years, infact I had a pretty thick piece of wood screwed to the inside of the door in the Califoernia room, just in case of a break in. So when I looked at it, I noticed that about 2 inches from the bottom is evidently the water came from the front porch via that door into the california room.
I have my DE-HUMIDIFER set up out there now & I put tarps along the bottom of the door on the front porch. I will get some sand bags tomorrow morning, so it drys everything out.
Any ideas on how to stop this from ever happening again? some kind of strip I can put on the outside? I do not care how it looks cosmetically, I am just PO'd that I didn't notice before the carpet in the CA room was its freaking out my cats. Surely theres some kind of stripping, or weather proofing. There is NO way I am replacing a door, I never have used or ever intend to use..if I had my way I would seal the whole thing up. thanks for any help! :( :(

Re: Porch door leaking intio California room

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:59 am
by Brenda (OH)
water may be flowing down over the door when the wind blows from a certain direction.

you need to check the caulk around the door, the weatherstripping in the door and if it has a window, there, and then see if water is flowing down the side of the home in a heavy rain. the gutter/drip channel in that area may be the low spot, and letting water in. you can fix the drip channel, or add an diverter....

just because the water is found at the floor, that does not rule out the possibility that the water is coming in at the roof, down the wall, and out near the door....

if the door is old and unused, the weatherstripping and caulking is likely stiff and cracked

you may have two or three causes, and you will one, and then locate the next one, and gain on the problem over time.....

Before you would seal the door up, realize that it may have to be able to be opened for the home to meet safety codes and insurance issues...

maybe check that the porch is not higher than the door frame at that area, and somehow channeling water that lays against the door and seeps in over time....

I wonder if you can use a garden hose to react water on the roof going into the channels, and water on the porch, and see what is the cause... otherwise... someone may need to go outside in the next down pour and look around lol... yup, I have done that .... I am waiting to see if a window repair i did holds up, we are in a drought, and we have not had a heavy rain since I fixed it...

Brenda (OH)

Re: Porch door leaking intio California room

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by buffee
I am not worried about that sealed door aka saftey issues. A california room is technically "not a real room" and it has a another door anyway. I'd rather seal it up to prevent a break in(bad mobilehome park-LOL) anyway after someone putting 8-50 lb sandbags up on the porch. 4 of us have come to the conclusion, that the porch is NOT LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!and water is going toward the lowest point. I mean the porch about 60% of it, is SOAKED, YOU SLosh when you walk. I have *(&^% to the stupid contractor who did that porch in 2007, that as of 2009 there was a HUMP in the floor, infact I found the letter I sent him today..dated Jan 2009. He said "oh thats where we built the new porch onto the existing porch" oh really? and it took 2 years to show up??? You can stand on the side of the porch & look in, and tell its not level........I mean there is a slight dip...several people felt the ceiling/roof..its dry....plu NONE OF THE FURNITURE ON THE PORCH was wet, so ok maybe its down pouring in 1 spot? I guess I'll know more when the other two contractors come out & look at the porch......I am just concerned about my CA room, it cost me a fortune..thank God I had indoor/outdoor carpet put in out there

Re: Porch door leaking intio California room

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:53 pm
by JD
When you say California Room, are you talking about pre-fabricated panels that have the windows built in to them? These kinds of rooms are notorious leakers. The best shot at a long term seal is when they are being erected, by applying high grade sealant under the ground channel. As they get older, they can leak around the frame where the aluminum edges meet the siding panels.

Re: Porch door leaking intio California room

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:45 pm
by buffee
Oh no my windows are GRADEA++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. The old vinyl crap was out there for over 20 years, leaked like a sieve. These windows were put in June of 2007 with all new frames, cost me 5,000 for 13 windows, but man are they nice!
The CA room was added on way before I purchased it in 1992. Since thne I added the windows, beautiful indoor/outdoor carpet..(thank God) and very nice verticles.
The leak is from the front porch. The owner of a Mobilehome contracting co(he did my windows..wish he had done everything, I got HOSED by another co)..anyway he came by and told me without a doubt the front porch does have a slight downward slope. The wind & rain have full access to the porch and we got 2 inches yesterday in a 4 hour time the porch got SOAKED!!!!!!!!!!!and of course the water ran to the lowest point....the california room.
He said there is NO room for leveling adjustment, I won't be able to open the front door....there is just not enough of lee-way, so he is going to install a privacy No water gets on the porch ever..he also is adding two down spouts...he said its a combination of rain blowing into the porch(my porch is always in the line of fire) and my gutters were made funky so they need extra down spouts, or the water will just pour onto the edge of the porch and because it has that slight slope will go into the CA room. I am currently drying out that room(the area that is wet) with a large box fan, dehumidifier and beach towels. A friend is bringing over a wet vac tonight, and I did put 8-50 pound sand bags on the porch, to hinder any excess from sneaking in. I am furious with the contractor that did my porch which cost me almost 2,000. I had no dies he either put the new porch on top of the cal. room floor or slightly under it....this contractor(from today) said the ONLY way that water would get from the front porch into that room is if they were somehow connected, on top of the fact it is not level. EVERY single thing this co did was a piece of *&^%, they really snowed me into thinking they would be the best one for the job. This is going to cost me 650$ but I have no least this guy positively guarantees his work....FYI....its raining again.....can it please stop!