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Need more help with furnace removal

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:40 pm
by Guest
I was able to get one pipe to move up but there is another one inside that. I think the outer one sucks air in for combustion and the inner one is for exhaust. I can not see any way to remove the inner pipe it looks like there maybe screws comming up from the inside of the furnace. But I don't see any way to get them out with out dissasembling the furnace. There must be a better way. What am I missing. It is a coleman Furnace model 7956-856 if that helps.

RE: Need more help with furnace removal

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:51 am
by Robert
Hi Gary,

Did you remove the screws from the outer pipe at the furnace sleeve collar ?

The outer pipe goes over the collar and is attached/secured with screws.

Then, the inner pipe just slides down over the furnace vent connector.

No screws, so just slightly twist and pull upward.

Take care and best wishes,