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Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:18 pm
by Georgie
Hello All! My hubby and I are getting ready to revamp the outside of our 1995 14x62 mobile home. It has metal siding and the silver roofing. I want to put vinyl siding on in a clay color and a new metal roof in a colonial red color. Do you think the colonial red will be too much for a roof? I also have another question, we don't really need new windows but I am sure we will within the next five years so we are going to go ahead and replace all of them, should we do this before or after we install the vinyl siding? My husband does a lot of contracting work so he could probably answer all these questions for me, but he just started a new job and we are currently working different shifts! So needless to say we are not seeing a lot of each other right now! lol I guess I just need to know the order we should go in for the windows, siding and roof. Thanks so much! :D

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:30 pm
by Yanita

I personally like the color choices..I might go one step further depending on what type of doors you have. That being paint the entrance door the same as the roof color.

As for the windows, we just has all new double hung, double pane windows and doors installed and we have vinyl siding.


RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:42 pm
by Georgie
Thanks! That's a GREAT idea! We have one of those doors that have the long slender rectangle window in it. There is a local store that sells mobile home supplies and we can get a new door, the door casing and an all glass storm door for $149! Of course I will have to paint it because it's solid white but for that price I think I can afford a little can of paint! lol My Dad with the help of my husband just put new windows in their mobile home. They actually put longer windows in and a really nice picture window. It's GORGEOUS! I want pretty much the same size windows that I have now with the exception of the window above my sink, I want one of the ones that slide side to side and I would like a larger size.

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:47 pm
by Maureen
Hi Georgie,

Just a personal opinion here, but I'd replace all windows and doors first, and then follow up with siding last. This will make both jobs a bit easier.

Maureen 8)

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:09 pm
by JD
I agree with Maureen. You will get a lot better seal and I feel a better look by installing "new construction" vinyl windows before installing the siding. The new construction window has a nail flange that will seal right up against the existing siding. The vinyl siding goes over that and butts up against the window with trim.

If you wait till after the vinyl siding is installed you will need to use replacement (retrofit) windows. These would have to seal up to the contour of the vinyl siding. Then with all the expansion and contraction of the vinyl siding, those sealants may not hold up as well.

Just my thoughts on it.


RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:58 pm
by Greg
It will be faster & easier to to save the siding for last. it will make the window job go faster since you will not have to be as concerened about the final outside fit. Greg

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:13 am
by Georgie
Okay! But now I've hit a road block! My husband doesn't want to replace the windows until we have to! I want to just because I like the look of the newer ones with the criss crosses in them. Our windoes are in really good condition, with the exception of one storm window broke when we moved the home that we have yet to replace, I just took it out. MEN! :roll: lol I can see his point why spend all that money now. I have seven windows and I priced them and they will run me about $850 but that doesn't installation, Dan (my hubby) could do it but he is working a lot of mandatory overtime so I would rather just have it done. Does anyone know about how installation runs??

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:19 am
by Yanita

Those windows maybe fine right now, but about all of us can testify to the damage that can be created by traditional MH windows.

They sweat between the glass, sure you have seen this happen. When it does the condensation will settle on the window jambs and eventually work its way into the interior of the wall, this will cause rotting of the plate, and potential floor damage.

I can certainly understand your Hubby wanting to wait, but sometimes it's just better to go ahead and make the change.

LOL, to help you plead your case you could also throw in that new windows/doors are much more energy efficient.


RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:23 am
by Georgie
LOL! YUP! When we had our taxes done last year that lady told us we can claim anything that we do to our home that is energy efficient on your taxes for this year only! lol Maybe that will get him going! Well I usually have the final say so I think we will go with the windows NOW! :twisted: A contracting buddy of his is going to install the siding and put on the new roof so that wont cost us too much in labor but I am afraid to see how much it will cost to have the windows put in.

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:24 pm
by Yanita

If you are going with the same size windows and doors then the replacement really does not take all that long.

I had a professional window company install mine, all 13 windows and 3 doors. Two of these windows were larger than the original so the headers had to be redone. One of the bedroom windows was eliminated and a full size steel door put in it's place, so again, a header needed to be done and rerouting of electrical wires.
Everything was done in a day, a looong day, except the patio doors.

They came back the next week and put in the patio doors, This was a longer process, removal of sliding glass doors and some wood rot to tend to.

We are really glad we went to the expense of these windows. We can now sit in front of the windows and not feel the extreme heat coming from them. Same holds true with the doors.

You will enjoy all of this when you get the replacements done.


PS, our upgrades were a great deduction, LOL, the only thing that saved me from paying in last year. Yup, this year is the final year for energy savings. That is why we went ahead with our energy efficient gas pack this year.

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:03 pm
by Georgie
:D Okay we settled it! LOL We are going to do the windows first probably get them in August to Septemeber. Then we are going to do the siding. One question I have is, will the white trim from the windows still show over the vinyl siding? My husband tried explaining it to me but I didn't get it! lol

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:21 pm
by JD
I know this image won't win any art award, but it shows how there will be a part of the window frame showing. Depending on the window manufacturer, this frame could be thicker or thinner.

Hope this helps.



RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:51 pm
by gram2logan
This is a shot of our new windows with new siding. As JD said, the siding tucks in around the edge of the window trim and looks great. I am sooooooooo happy to have mine. We should have the front of the house done by early July.

RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:45 pm
by Yanita
Hi Gram,

Your windows look just like mine! I love them and have even washed the windows four times since install, that was done in September last year. Its a breeze with double hung!


RE: Outside Remodel ??

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:51 pm
by Georgie
THANKS! JD that pic really helped me! I just wasn't getting what my hubby was saying. I LUV your windows! Those are what I want except bigger! lol I measured my windows and five of them are 32x54 if I measured them right, the window in our master is a lot bigger it's 38x56 and I the one over my sink is 32x30 but I want a bigger one over my sink all the rest will be the same. My husband wants to skip the french doors and just put a picture window in the living room, but we will see. I don't know why he thinks he's the decorator here! LOL