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haunted sideing

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:03 am
by joedirt63
noticed that my vynle sideing has been moveing around by it's self, really noticeable since i painted the sideing and now when it shifts you can see the gray at the seam over lap, i know that temp make things expand and contract, but my m/h is doing some heavy breathing.may be it's the fasteners? they look like band clips stapled the the sheathing and the cliped over the top edge of the sideing. paint looks great so far just have to touch up my ooopsies from the last window install.

Re: haunted sideing

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:42 am
by JD
Of all siding types, vinyl moves more than any of them. You can expect 1/4" or more from side to side. Depending on how it is nailed, this could theoretically make up to 1/2" of movement if the fasteners anchor the siding panels at opposite ends. Frost heave or ground movement can have a huge effect on siding movement as well. You don't see this movement when the siding is unpainted or painted in a matching color.

These things could be the problem, but haunted makes for a much better story :)

Re: haunted sideing

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:40 pm
by joedirt63
thanks for the quick response jd. could i just used screws or nails to try to reduce the movement? or am i destined to run around the house with a paint brush?

Re: haunted sideing

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:45 pm
by flcruising
If you attach it hard and not allow the movement, it will become as wavy as (ah, I couldn't think of anything)...It'll just be wavy.

Re: haunted sideing

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:59 am
by JD
Yeah, probably looking at some painting. As Aaron says, the siding is supposed to be installed loose to allow expansion. When I screw or nail vinyl or aluminum siding on I screw the screw in until it almost touches. The siding should be able to slide back and forth with just a tiny bit of effort but not actually sloppy loose.