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Freezing. Dont know what to do??

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:13 pm
by afergus8
Nordyne Gibson GC3BA. Heat blows for 5 minutes or less, then cold air. Red light under furnace cover is constantly on. I turned the black on/off switch to off until I have a clue what to do. Its 28 outside....freezing...please help?

Re: Freezing. Dont know what to do??

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:50 am
by furnaceman
Can u post more info on your unit, I'm coming up with an a/c using that model number. Its possible
that the database I am currentley using is wrong.

Is this a pilot lite , hsi, extra. Are u sure the model u gave is for the furnace and not the a/c part.
Like I said I could be off track here. U might even have a heat pump, I would like to help u but I need more info.

Robert is the expert here, if he replies, pay attention.

Re: Freezing. Dont know what to do??

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:53 am
by Robert
Look on furnace facing for a data sticker or nameplate and get model number from there.
