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Insects/Rodents keep coming inside to die 8(

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:16 pm

I haven't moved into my home yet so there's no food or water inside the home, but inscts; bees, roaches, ladybugs and mice keep coming inside of my house to die..... why is this? There is mold in the kitchen underneath the sink so is that it? I mean i don't want to move in and die..... i'm scared...
Am i panicking or overreacting? Has this happened to anyne else?

Re: Insects/Rodents keep coming inside to die 8(

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:42 am
by Brenda (OH)
Ok, some things I will mention

ladybugs, etc the insects are looking for warmth and security. I have had hornets trying to build in my shed all summer and fall more than usual.

ladybugs, warmth... they will die off if it gets too cold in the home

roaches.... looking for warmth water and foodstuffs.... they will eat wallpaper glue, other dead roaches etc... .you may need to get an exterminator to treat

you probably have a water leak somewhere, even a drip, that is attracting the insects.

the mice... they like shelter.... they usually get in near water pipes or other holes in the floor or walls....check under sinks, by the water heater, etc and use spray foam around any opening. a mouse can get in through a hole as small as a dime.

after you have sealed up holes, and stopped water leaks, and the weather has gotten colder, if the weather count still stays high, you may want to get board of health to check the place. but realize, if they find a big problem, they will issue an order that no one can occupy the unit until all the problems they identify are corrected..... that is the flip side of the coin of getting them involved.

of all of the things dying in the home, the mice would freak me out unless I found mice poison inside the home or underneath the home. mice are mammals, people are mammals, so they are poisoned by things that we can be poisoned by also, except we need a lot higher dose.

another thing you may try is putting a pie tin of water outside in the yard a few feet away from the home, and see if dead bugs show up in it... i have hheard of a type of mouse trap you make with a bucket, sticks as little ramps, and water, that catches mice looking for a drink...

good luck..... life can be strange at times.....

Brenda (OH)

Re: Insects/Rodents keep coming inside to die 8(

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:44 am
by Brenda (OH)
'if the weather count" should have read "IF THE BODY COUNT" stays high lol

Re: Insects/Rodents keep coming inside to die 8(

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:26 pm
by Greg
The first thing to look at is the the skirting & underbelly. The skirting is your first and most important line of defense in the battle of the critters. ALL holes & gaps must be sealed to keep them out.

It sounds like you may want to contact an exterminator before you move in, It will be easier all the way around for both you & him.

Mold should be addressed as well before you move in. you will need to find the source of the moisture and get that taken care of as well. Greg