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Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:53 pm
by jiggypiggy
K, first time posting here, hope this is the right forum.

I have had a ton of trouble with my home since I bought it, mainly in the last month. I have now been in the home for 1 year. I was built in 1996, Triple E (M), lack of info due to the fire Triple M supposedly had.

Current water trouble, I have water dripping from the black wrap hanging from the bottom of the house, in my crawl space. When I dug around in there, got soaked, and was surprised to find there was no pipe there. Water must be coming from somewhere else. Is the only choice "best guess", cut the wrap, pull out insulation, and see if there is a pipe, and keep doing that till I find them all? Also, I am assuming the wet insulation should be tossed and new stuff put in once pipes are fixed, but can I use any plastic vapor wrap or does it have to be a special "mobile home" type.

Finally, my drain seems to keep freezing. I am assuming that is what it is cuz water is coming back up in my tub and toilets, but taps work. Sorry for jumping around on topics, I have quite a few other issues with the home, think I got screwed buying this one. :(

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:39 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. I'll work backwards on your post. Screwed?? it depends on what you paid for it and it's over all condition. Around here ANYTHING that is livable starts at $3000, and that includes the ones that have the tubs falling through the floor.

Water troubles. Those are never fun, even less in the cold weather. what you will need to do is make a slit in the underbelly as clean as possible to gain access to the leak. The supply pipes usually run near the heat ducts, and will run to the side to tie into bathrooms & kitchen. You may have cracked waste pipes if they froze. You will need to get it open & evaluate the situation.

Once everything is set with the plumbing you will need to replace the soaked insulation and get the belly back together. If your cuts were clean enough you may be able to use Belly tape and put it back together. If the belly is beyond repair some here have used tyvec (house wrap) or Mark has belly material in the site's store, see books & parts at the top.

Mark, the site owner has written a book that covers most repairs & upgrades in a generic way, you may want to think about it. It's in the 'Books & parts" section as well. Greg

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:17 pm
by jiggypiggy
cool, I will be starting this tonight when I get home from work. Hopefully not as bad as it look. Thanks for the tips.

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:01 pm
by Greg
See JD's post in "Best belly wrap" for his trick with belly tape. Greg

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:43 pm
by Yanita

You can also order the manual as a download....providing you need the info quickly.


Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:29 pm
by Greg
Yanita, You DIDN"T fall off the face of the earth!!!! We have missed you here!!

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:35 am
by Greg S
Also if you have leaking taps fix them as they are likely the cause of your frozen drains.

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:58 am
by jiggypiggy
Greg S...

I really dont understand plumbing well. How does a leaking tap cause a frozen pipe? I heard some people keep a tap running with a trickle of water to keep drain from freezing. Or is it to keep the supply lines from freezing?

Thanks for the tip though, I do have a tub tap that has been dripping I guess I should fix.

Re: Drain frozen, pipes leaking, insulation soaked..

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:01 pm
by Greg
What happens when a faucet trickles in cold weather is the drain lines always have water going down them, The water will freeze and refreeze until the pipe is completely frozen.

You would be better to put a pan under the leaking faucet and empty it when it gets full. Greg