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Board fried again

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:23 pm
by mrmitch
I have just replaced the circuit board in my coleman furnace for the fourth time. Once was for obvious water dripping from a roof leak. The latest, however, there was no obvious leaking or dripping. When the technician pulled the board, the was some wetness. Anyone have any idea where I should start to look for the problem? Are these things that sensitive to dampness?

Re: Board fried again

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:18 pm
by Bill
With out knowing what type of furnace you have its hard to say what might be causing the problem. First yes they are very sensitive to water. Do you know if you have a 80% or a 90%+ furnace. If you have a 90% or greater furnace you might be getting condensation from the flue, If one of the joints that glued is leaking. Also you said that you had a roof leaking. It might be possible that you are getting water running down the flue from where it goes out the roof. Can you see if there is any condensation on your duct work that might be dripping on to the furnace.

Hope this helps,