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leaky roof

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:36 pm
by msrfrog
Hi I have a 10 year old double wide and the roof is leaking and coming though the bathroom exhaust vent. I tried to put some tar on the spots where i thought the water might be getting in. But no luck. Redman homes suck! I called them and they said it's only 1 year warranty. I told them when I went up there I could tell the roof was done very sloppy exposed staples though the shingles near the ridge and anything else you can think of done wrong. I tarred all the staples while I was up there.
Anyway I was wondering what a ballpark roofjob would cost to redo it all from sheeting up. new vents and all. I am in new york.

thanks in advance!

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:11 pm
by DCDiva
I highly recommend doing a metal roof vs replacing(tearing it off,hauling away waste,new roof---you can put down either furing strips or 2x4 on top of old roof and then place the metal on the roof----the metal is 3 ft wide and sold by the foot when I bought last year it was 2.18 a foot so a 14 x3 ft run x 2.18 = 30.52---I recommend the lighter colors, we used light gray and a tan, made a huge diff when cooling and the snow just falls off the roof vs piling up on it--dd had 3+ ft snow fall over a few days and had none on her roof vs a shingled roof next door and under it painted white so it is really nice for a porch roof too---where u order has many colors and u special order with all the parts--it was very easy to do--we did 2---14 x 50 ft roofs in less than 4 hours--it was my dh and ds 13yo and my dd and I carried the metal to them so very DIY and this was our first metal roof --we had done other reg roofs before we love the metal--you can even increase the pitch of the roof if needed--Like I said we love it and highly recommend--all of my retals will have a metal roof when we replace

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:13 am
by JD
Contractors in my area area getting about $4K+ for 1400sf, tear off, ice & water shield underlayment and dimensional shingles. Sheathing can run $40 to $50 a sheet. Metal roofs can be a good option too.

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:12 am
by msrfrog
Thanks guys . Around 4k seems to be reasonable. I will just have to keep driving my 94 corolla another 200k miles . lol I will look into the metal roof option also. my neighbor has one on his house and I always liked it.

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:17 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome. One thing that you need to remember is that Redman as well as all others are built on an assembly line. All it takes is ONE person not doing their job or to have an attitude and the whole unit could be sub standard. Granted you would hope that some type of quality control would catch the problem, but lets face it a lot gets through.

As far as the roof, weight is ALWAYS an issue. I would remove the old roof before adding anything new.


Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:15 am
by 1987Commodore
I switched from a dark brown shingle to light brown, and it made a significant difference in the inside temp. Also, during tear off, I found that my felt paper was wax paper sprayed with a thin asphalt coating. Replacing with proper felt and quality shingles also cut the noise level from rain. I have to say that if I were to re roof again, I would use metal, in a light color. I would investigate adding insulation under the metal.

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:13 am
by Mark440
I'd like to re-roof mine with metal - but am wondering if it is too much for one guy. I would want to tear off the existing shingles, tear off all the facia, replace the facia, then install the metal. There's a hundred sites out there that makes it look like a 10 year old could do it all in 30 minutes - but I'm not 10 years old which means it'll take at least two years! :) Please keep us updated on how you progress!

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:54 pm
by Greg
There's a hundred sites out there that makes it look like a 10 year old could do it all in 30 minutes

And it only take a half hour on TV!!!!
The scary part of that is that I had a customer tell me that when I was showing him a floor sander and he asked me how long it would take to refinish a hardwood floor in his living room.


Re: leaky roof

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:35 pm
by msrfrog
I will make another repair attempt this weekend. Look for more signs of entry. I have the bathroom exhaust fan out and a flexible plastic cutting board to funnel the water into a bucket, it is not to bad a leak but a leak none the less. At least it is not wetting the panel and insulation up there anymore! Huge rain storms lately.

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:31 pm
by Greg
Rain?? Where?? Up here we had the most rain this month on record (8 1/2" so far). It may be a leak at the vent pipe it's self. I would look VERY close and treat anything that even looks like it might leak as a leak.


Re: leaky roof

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:52 pm
by JD
When I am chasing down a roof leak on a shingle roof and there is no obvious leak problems, I will try lifting shingles in the suspected area. If it is damp under the shingle, you are below and/or beside the leak. If the glue strip is actually working and the shingle does not want to lift easily, I will mash the edges of shingles and see if water oozes from the sides of the shingle.

A common leak around vents is found where the metal flange of the vent tucks in under the course of shingles above it. Sometimes the flange is nailed down so hard that it can have a small reverse pitch. This usually puffs up the shingle right there where the metal goes under the vent. Rain will flow with the edge of the shingle and then work its way to that reverse pitch and leak. Many times these types of leaks only leak when a strong wind is blowing rain against that side of the roof or when it is just pouring down hard.

Re: leaky roof

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:26 pm
by msrfrog
Greg i'm in ny also ,catskill . JD i will take a look tomorrow.
I just don't know about the metal roof thing, so many vents to deal with .
I will just keep patching until next year when i can do the whole roof over.

thanks guys