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AC cubic footage question

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:16 pm
by Carl
I will be needing to replace the window ac for the trailer and I would like to know what size (cubic footage) to buy. Is there a formula to determine a proper size to remain cool yet not run up the electric bill to much? Thank you for helping if you can. Carl.

Re: AC cubic footage question

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:52 pm
by Bill
Hi Carl,
When you go to buy your new window air the box that the unit come's in has the size of the unit and what size of room that it will cool. Keep in mind that, when choosing a room air conditioner, size is important. A unit that is too small will run continually without cooling the room effectively. On the other hand, if you buy a unit that's too large for the space you're cooling, it actually will be less effective than one that's the correct size.

To cool this area Look for this size air conditioner
100 to 150 square feet 5,000 BTUs
150 to 250 square feet 6,000 BTUs
250 to 300 square feet 7,000 BTUs
300 to 350 square feet 8,000 BTUs
350 to 400 square fee t 9,000 BTUs
400 to 450 square feet 10,000 BTUs
450 to 550 square feet 12,000 BTUs
550 to 700 square feet 14,000 BTUs
700 to 1,000 square feet 18,000 BTUs
1,000 to 1 400 square feet 24,000 BTUs

Hope this help's