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Vinyl Siding

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:06 am
by gchart57
We have a 1987 mobile home and what was the exterior is now the interior wall of the lanai. I was wondering if you think there's anything under the vinyl as far as an older exterior and do you think there's plywood under it I'd like to remove it and replace it with a vinyl soffit material that resembles wainscoting. Thanks

Gary M Charters

Re: Vinyl Siding

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:27 pm
by HouseMedic
If there is vinyl siding on there now you should have no problem removing it and replacing with the vinyl soffit material. They both go on the same way it's just that the soffit type material that I guess you want is called vertical siding.


Re: Vinyl Siding

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:56 am
by joedirt63
once you take off a piece or 2 of the sideing you shoud see either ply wood ,or a fiber board type of panel used for sheathing. you may also see nothing but insulation and hopefully a moister barrier. what ever you find,as long as you have the sideing off now's the time to inspect for damage and gaps ,holes and such,and repair it. befor you install the new sideing,i would , (as well as many others here would) advise to use a house wrap to help insulate and reduce drafts.many kinds on the market,but remember the material must be able to breath.

Re: Vinyl Siding

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:02 pm
by JD
Like Joe said, you just gotta look. Vinyl siding can be installed over the old siding or the old siding could have been removed to add insulation and straighten out the walls. If this is factory installed vinyl siding, then I don't know what you could expect as I have not seen one of those homes yet.

Re: Vinyl Siding

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:00 pm
by gchart57
Thanks for all your help! Yes the vinyl soffit would end up being vertical siding, I used it in a refinished basement on the ceiling and it's worked great.