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Interesting reference

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:26 pm
by AbbottsManor

Re: Interesting reference

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:18 am
by DaveyB
It is an interesting site, but it doesn't provide much information unless you buy the manual ($69.99). Comments such as
that site wrote:Hardboard floors - get wet, toilet falls through; plywood preferred; check especially floors at baths, kitchens, and below windows and doors
are hardly helpful - what is the difference between hardboard and plywood, how do you tear up the carpet or floor coverings to look for this rot when you don't own the home, how do you check for damp in the insulation inside walls, how do you tell if caulking is missing from a window or door frame, etc.?

While I understand that some references are helpful, I spent about 10 minutes poking around and didn't find anything that would fall into the realm of "useful information". I looked at the site's policies and found that they reference all cited sources of information, but that they also state that
that site wrote:articles include links to relevant books or other publications for sale through, for which the website may receive a commission.
My personal opinion is that the site is a money-maker for someone, is not dedicated to Mobile Homes, and simply regurgitates the information freely available elsewhere on the web as a lead-in to selling products from third parties.

I would much rather direct our readers to the information available here for advice on what to look for and how to find it. The information compiled is the cumulative results of both moderators and supporters of the site over several years. Sure, it references Mark's book, but it doesn't try to sell information from a variety of other vendors with a view to making a profit.

Let's face it, the best advice you can get pertinent to Mobile Home Repair is right here on these forums. Just bear in mind that if you don't provide the basic facts, the answers may be skewed based on the responders "best guess" as to the missing information. Also bear in mind that in your profile you can set your city and state, which is helpful to responders since they are then aware of the prevailing weather conditions - look at my ID block on the side of this post, and you'll understand why I'm not worried about snow load!!

For the above reasons, I would rate the referenced site as an "F" - phail! Just my 2 cents!
