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Water Pressure? What should it be?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:44 pm
by dd716ted
When we bought and installed our Mfg Home in a park 11 years ago, we were told that the city water pressure there was between 90 / 100 PSI so we had a reducer/regulator intalled in the line to the house. I can't remember what it was reduced to but much less than the city supply. That regulator has since failed (pressure was unadjustable by plumber at 90 PSI) so we had a new one installed. The installer set it at 40 PSI. I know that there is a recommended setting but I don't know what it is.. Is 40 PSI to low? Reason I am asking is that now we are now getting fluctuations in Hot Water temperature in the showers where we never had them beforeand our exterior hose bibs seem to lack pressure. What should the water supply pressure entering the house be?

Re: Water Pressure? What should it be?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:01 pm
by Greg
I would not go any lower than 40, but 90 is a little on the high side for me. About all you could do is get a pressure gauge and check the pressures through the house.


Re: Water Pressure? What should it be?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:38 pm
by jpingram5
Usually you want around 50 - 70 PSI. Most water fixtures are rated good for up to like 80 PSI I think. But 50 - 70 PSI is the normal we usually shoot for.