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A question about windows

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:42 pm
by Dragnfyr
Hello, We have a 1996 Oakwood (Texas model) mobile home that has two part windows. What I mean by that is there is an inner set of windows and an outer set of windows, both of which the bottom section slides up and down. From my wifes understanding, the upper section of the inner window is supposed to come out so the top sections can be cleaned. Does anyone know the proper way to do this?? I tried on one of the windows and broke the glass... ANy help would be appreciated...


Re: A question about windows

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:28 pm
by DCDiva
I hope I can explain it--you push in the buttons on the windows,both at the same time and the window will come out at this area and then slide in a track at the other end and if you twist the window it will come out--oh it works best if the window is up--it give u more room to work--good luck--some windows have little cut out slots like a birds mouth and this is where they come out some not all

Re: A question about windows

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:49 pm
by Dragnfyr
Hehehe... Got that part, I am talking about the upper window... it doesnt have any buttons like the lower window does... I do appreciate the answer though...


Re: A question about windows

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:24 am
by joedirt63
hello, on the inner window ,the by the bottom of thetop glass pane should be 2 plastic or metal clips. they would be in between the outer window and inner window. remove the clips and the window should come out from the bottom and slide out of the tracks. got those type in my newly aquired 87 zimmer.

Re: A question about windows

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:53 pm
by Greg
Well Drag, you REALLY don't want my removal method. Go to ANY home center, purchase a QUALITY double hung window of the same size (approximate). To remove the glass simply take a hammer, any size will do and hit glass that will remove it. Install the new window after removing the rest of the old "Trailer" window. If you repeat this with every window in your home you will notice a reduction in heating/cooling costs and have windows that both look better & are easier to clean.


Re: A question about windows

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:25 am
by joedirt63
or you can just do what greg said. ( smirk)

Re: A question about windows

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:21 pm
by Dragnfyr
Greg wrote:Well Drag, you REALLY don't want my removal method. Go to ANY home center, purchase a QUALITY double hung window of the same size (approximate). To remove the glass simply take a hammer, any size will do and hit glass that will remove it. Install the new window after removing the rest of the old "Trailer" window. If you repeat this with every window in your home you will notice a reduction in heating/cooling costs and have windows that both look better & are easier to clean. Greg
joedirt63 wrote:or you can just do what greg said. ( smirk)
Unfortunately, replacing the windows is not an option... I have the ability, just not the funds... I have been unemployed for over a year (which is why we are back living in the trailer instead of the house we had), and there just isnt enough spare cash to do one window much less all of them...

Re: A question about windows

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:54 pm
by Greg
I fully understand, we've all been there. Remember though, you do need to maintain a sense of humor no matter how bad things get - they could always be worse.


Re: A question about windows

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:14 pm
by Dragnfyr
Greg wrote:I fully understand, we've all been there. Remember though, you do need to maintain a sense of humor no matter how bad things get - they could always be worse.
My wife has a Great Dane and a Pekinese, I am amazed that we have any unbroken windows at all... That will give you a sense of humor if nothing else will...


Re: A question about windows

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:02 pm
by Greg
Oh, you mean like "Buddy the lap dog" as a puppy. He was a great dane/lab mix. I think a little more dane than lab. Greg