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Lowering home

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:21 am
by Mosey
HI, not new here, but first post.

Way off the wall question. I've been living in my typical single wide for a number of years. I am starting to have health problems and have a hard time using stairs.

The home is 2 feet off the ground on one end and 5.5 feet on the other which makes the home require 10 stairs to enter because of the slope. Is there a safe way I can lower the whole unit to get close to the ground on one side, and level it? By doing this, I can reduce the amount of steps. I realize I will have to re-do the plumbing on the low side, probably iron pipe, and make sure electrical is secure. I still can do the work myself for now.

My property is sloped, so moving the home is not possible, and to remove enough earth to make a level pad is cost prohibitive.

Moving the entrance door...not really an option.

Any input would be great...Thanks


Re: Lowering home

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:55 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. By the sounds of your lay out I really would not lower it. You need to remember that there are times that you MUST have access under your home for plumbing or heat duct repairs, by dropping the home you will eliminate the access. Iron pipe should be a last resort for plumbing, PEX is the recommended product for plumbing.

It it possible to make a retaining wall and fill the low side?

If you can add a photo of the situation perhaps we can brain storm here for you, there are lots of great minds here.


Re: Lowering home

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:06 pm
by Mosey
Will get pics, thanks

Re: Lowering home

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:04 pm
by cmanningjr
Would making a ramp be an option? Just a thought.