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hot water heater HELP

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:50 pm
by terrifromohio
I have lost two cats in the last two weeks and have one in the ER all presenting with same symptoms. I have been sick for about a month.
Anyway I got to thinking what could be causing all this? I had the gas company come out and check inside the house for gas leaks. Right away they shut off my hot water heater, said it was not vented right at the top and was venting CO back into the house also had a leak of gas on the pilot tubing.
Also are there different types of gas water heaters for mobile homes that should be installed inside the mobile home as opposed to a compartment on the outside of the mobile home. Is it possible someone installed the wrong water heater and this was meant for outside not inside?
This was installed before I moved here so I have no idea. Could this have killed my cats?
I am at my wits end over this. Thoughs on this would be appreciated.

Re: hot water heater HELP

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:41 pm
by Greg
Mobile home approved GAS water heaters have a duct to the outside that draws outside air in to the combustion chamber. ALL gas water heaters have exhaust ducts that must be vented to the outside. If the exhaust duct is disconnected or leaking it will leak CO into the home. THIS IS WHY IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT EVERY HOME HAVE A CO DETECTOR.

Since (I believe from science class years ago) CO is heavier than air it would hang close to the floor, the cats MAY have been effected before you. The first symptom of CO poisoning is a major headache that will not go away, If that is one of your symptoms than I would say Yes, that could also be what is happening to your cats.

If you are faced with replacing the water heater, you may want to check on the feasibility of switching to an Electric unit.


Re: hot water heater HELP

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:18 pm
by 1987Commodore
A mobile home gas water heater is sealed from the air intake, usually under the floor, to the roof vent outside. If your unit has a draft hood on the exhaust vent, it is not mobile home approved, (at least for an interior installation, I have no experience with any installed in an exterior compartment,) and could easily have been allowing CO inside the home.
It could also be possible that there is only an issue with the vent just not being properly installed, which could easily be fixed. That's impossible to know without being able to see it. Have a pro look at it.
Mobile home gas water heaters are $$$, so the previous owner may have gotten sticker shock, and installed a non approved heater to save money.

CO is very dangerous, and there is a good possibility that it caused your illness. I know a family who had a furnace installed (incorrectly) in their 2 story home. The husband and one of the kids fell asleep downstairs.
They never woke up.
I know how losing a pet feels, but they likely saved your life.