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OSB board underneath porch

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:34 pm
by terrifromohio
Last summer I had a porch put on the back of the house. I used OSB board with metal roofing over it. We have rain, heavy rain for 3 days. I was looking at underneath the porch today and it looks like where they nailed through the metal on top through to the OSB board it has molded underneath. Almost looks like black mold. Would OSB board mold and if so what could be done about it in the Spring? Can`t do anything now, its winter here.
So come spring if is mold what to do about it?


Re: OSB board underneath porch

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:44 am
by DCDiva
Not sure of the wording in your post but your metal roof should have used special screws with a rubber gasket for the roof, then is required to have felt paper under metal roof or it voids the warranty on the roof--we just had one put on our house --the metal will sweat. And the worry of any mold is inside the house---spray a mixure of water/bleach on the areas but need to fix the leak too.

Re: OSB board underneath porch

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:12 pm
by Greg
Terri, I am thinking that if "They" (not sure if it is a contractor that put the roof on) did not install the panels correctly, "they" need to make it right.

Almost any surface will mold. There are things you can do to remove mold, but again if it was done by a contractor I would put the ball in his court.


Re: OSB board underneath porch

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:41 pm
by terrifromohio
it was not done by a contractor I could not find one to do it. Maybe I can get it fixed in the spring.
If I have to get up there and do it myself I will. Its hard to get anyone to work on mobile homes.

Re: OSB board underneath porch

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:18 pm
by Greg
For the time being, you could grab a tube of caulk and cover the nail heads. That may slow things down for now.
