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Nifty new skirting option

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:42 pm
by ttiiggy
I am putting together a double-wide that I moved.
I have been trying to figure out what to use for skirting: ... f=6&t=8780

We came upon a [looks like :?: ] nice option: Garage door panels. :!:

We had a big hail storm in the area last spring and lots of Garage doors have been being replaced.
We got a bunch that are 16 feet long and 2 feet wide.
On a lot of them, I'm not even seeing where they are damaged.

Aluminum skin...
Even insulated... I don't know what the R-value is on these. I see R-values from ~6 to ~13.

Anybody see any problems with doing this?

Re: Nifty new skirtinng option

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:13 pm
by Greg
Go for it!! If you can figure out a way to get them in place, it should work fine. You could even install a short overhead track and make the access panel "roll up"!


Re: Nifty new skirtinng option

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:13 pm
by R Hoeffner
Not sure if this is feasible for you, but I liked like to mention an alternative in case it might work for others.

We put our MH on our ranch which is out in the middle of nowhere so we have to resort to sometimes unconventional methods when it comes to labor as it is all DIY.

We purchased metal roofing material to use for our skirting, which I think is similar to the garage panels, only your panels being insulated would be much better! To anchor them in place we used bridge timbers (like railroad ties only much much heavier) and staked them in place from behind with rebar. We used a level to line them up exactly with the house and then screwed the metal into the house edge as well as into the timbers. We have lots of wind and so far, they haven't moved a peg. We are very happy with our solution and it saved us tons of time as the bridge timbers are around 45' long.

I'm jealous of your insulated garage door panels! Sounds like a great idea.

Re: Nifty new skirting option

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:32 pm
by Mark440
I also used the metal roofing material. Anchored treated 4 x 6's over a bed of pea gravel. Attached the panels to the outside edge of the 4x6...and let the top float behind the old plastic trim piece to keep it from buckling from cold/heat. Finished off with some drainage gravel - and so far its holding up just fine.

FWIW - you can buy the unpainted metal roofing panels and then paint it to whatever color you want. Just use some vinegar to 'etch' the finish on the panels before you apply any primer.