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water leak please help

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:01 pm
by corpse585
Looking for idea on why water would come in under the window the carpet also gets soaked about 3feet out from the wall mayjor water damage on the right side of the wall under window about 7 feet from that window also have mayjor water damage near front door about 12 inches from door on the right side of the door about 8 inches high any help would be greatly appreciated
If pics are needed let me know ill post some if needed.

Re: water leak please help

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:48 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. It sounds to me like the water is coming in around the window frame. if it is one of the original "trailer" crank out type leaks are very common. Also look in the area from the roof down for any cracks or holes, ANYTHING that does not look right treat as a potential leak and caulk.

Once we have warmer weather you will need to access the damage and make proper repairs, that may include water damage repair to the walls & subfloor if needed. Water is your home's worst enemy, it can cause rot and disintegrate the sub floor.


Re: water leak please help

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:54 am
by corpse585
These are normal single pain Windows no cranks I live in texas now so ill get up on roof this weekend and check weather hasn't been bad here for out door work thank you ill keep posted

Re: water leak please help

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:51 pm
by UmpJJ
Definitely a single "pain" window!


Re: water leak please help

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:52 pm
by bobfather99
Best way to tackle this is what Greg posted, start at the roof, and work your way down, sealing as you go. Dont forget to seal around windows and around any trim around them. Probably a good idea to dry out whats gotten wet, or mold/mildew will develop soon.

Re: water leak please help

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:59 pm
by JD
stephanielewis wrote:Carpeting water harm and pattern is inevitable following a overflow in your house, and you could need the skills and experience of a renewal service provider to get rid of the harm and pattern from your floor covering and help reinstate your home to its unique condition.

Re: water leak please help

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:18 pm
by Greg
All 5 of Stephanie's posts were deleted, total gibberish.


Re: water leak please help

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:14 am
by michael1982
bobfather99 wrote:Best way to tackle this is what Greg posted, start at the roof, and work your way down, sealing as you go. Dont forget to seal around windows and around any trim around them. Probably a good idea to dry out whats gotten wet, or mold/mildew will develop soon.
How would one go about "drying"? I understand the sealing, I had done this with a window when we first moved into our home, one of the windows actually had a leak where water was dripping onto the top half of it and coming in the window into the sill area. I put some expandable foam in the top part of the window frame and the problem was resolved.

Re: water leak please help

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:34 pm
by Greg
The best way is to get air moving. A fan is the easiest, but you may have to open up the wall to get to it. If the insulation is soaked you will need to replace it.
