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Followup to old post that has been locked

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:07 pm
by CountryLiving34
Greg S ยป Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:10 pm wrote: It's been three months since your original post Country, have you not replaced that tank yet ?
Hi Greg. I am sorry for not coming back and updating on the water heater problem I asked about several months ago. You guys were tremendously helpful and I thank you all for your replies. I ended up replacing the hot water heater. The tank was just corroded and leaking water and I had gotten about 16 years of service out of the thing. I purchased a new one from the home depot and actually did most of the work myself with the help of a friend. Now, I am good hopefully for another 15 years or more. LOL I paid $237.00 for the new one. It is a GE with another40 Gal. capacity (same as old one), Medium 6 Year 4500 Watt Double Element 240 Volts Electric Water Heater

Re: Followup to old post that has been locked

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:59 pm
by Greg
I generally lock posts after they sit with no activity for 30 days, Otherwise we have people replying to posts that are a year old. If the topic author need me to unlock it just let me know.
