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Remove spray paint.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:43 am
by oldtimer
Hi to all.
We are thinking of buying a 1996 mobile home for $2000.00 that needs a little work. The previous owners used a spray can to paint the walls to be destructive. I have not saw the place yet but assume paint out of a spray can will be hard to get off. How would I get it off?
Another question. I saw a picture of the outside of his place. What year did siding go from vertical to horizontal ? His siding is vertical.
Thanks for your help
God Bless

Re: Remove spray paint.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:28 pm
by Greg
Until you actually see what you are dealing with it is impossible to say. What kind of surface did they spray paint? Some you may be able to remove the paint with out damage, others you will need to paint over.

Siding still comes in both Vertical & Horizontal, It depends on what was ordered on the home.
