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Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:25 am
by hhb
I just had my (used) mini home delivered and set up yesterday, now it's time to do some fixing up. There are a couple of places where I need to replace the ceiling "panels". I've never seen these before, but then again, I'm not used to mobiles & minis.

My question is, can you buy replacement panels at regular building supply stores like Home Depot, or are these a speciality thing, and if so, where can you find them? I'd rather replace them as needed than tear down the whole thing and replace with gyproc, it's just a couple of panels and I see no need to tear the whole thing apart (it's not in bad shape, really).

There are a couple of other things, like tie-downs I also need to find. The home still has the straps all taped up, never used, and they told me the insurance company may ask for them to be installed (although never done before for this one). Are things like that available at regular hardware stores too?

Re: Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:43 pm
by Greg
If you have the fiber panels that run the width of the home about 3'-4' wide they may be tough to find, I know JD has a source for some of them. You may be able to do a patch job and do a textured ceiling to hide the patch.

Some home centers may have tie down anchors or check with mobile home dealers in your area. Some styles are tough to install yourself so you may want to price having them install them.


Re: Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:51 pm
by hhb
Thanks, they are the kind that run the whole width, but seem to be 16" or so wide, stapled up to the trusses with 2" filler strips in between that snap in. There is a MH dealer nearby, I'll ask them maybe, and also about the tie down anchors. I guess the alternative would be to go over what's there with gyproc (it's a bathroom, so not that big). For some reason, the last people tore out about 4' of one of the panels, and not neatly, either. This home was used and abused, a bank repossession. Buggers even stripped out the GFI receptacle from the bathroom. Ah well, I did get it cheap.

Re: Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:10 pm
by JD
My source for replacement ceiling panels dried up. I had two sources locally and they both decided not to re-purchase a new load. The manufacturer is still in business, Okaply in Canada. So you may find some panels in your area. I would contact the manufacturer if you want to use mobile home panels. Other than that, I have been replacing ceilings with sheetrock and texture.

Re: Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:35 pm
by alexduran
We are purchasing a 7 year old manufactured home that was occupied by a smoker. Has nayone sucessfully removed the third hand smoke from a similar home? I presume the carpets need to be removed (we plan to install a laminatye floor). We have also been told to replace the wall and ceiling panels. Any source in our area (Newburgh, NY)for Durasan wall panel? Thanks. - Alex

Re: Ceiling panels and other parts

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:18 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. Before you start ripping & tearing I would try some good old fashion cleaning & painting. Walls can be washed, carpets cleaned until you are ready to put new floors down. The ceiling will need a good vacuuming and a coat or two of ceiling paint with stain blocker. You will most likely have to dab the on, usually if you use a roller it will put too much paint on and unroll the texture.
