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New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:33 pm
by AmyH
I have read many posts about gutters and replacements on this site has been a big help. However, I find myself in a bind. I had new 5" gutters installed. The old gutter was cut down the middle and flattened out and the new gutter was supposed to be placed under the remaining piece of metal from the old gutter. In places this is the case the new gutter is under the old metal strip left from the old one. But, Where the installer sloped the gutter to to allow for dainage some parts didnt go under the old metal. The overlapping piece of metal from the old gutter stand away from the new gutter. It was not sealed under it or fasted together. The person who installed it swore it would not leak. It has leaked as I thought it would. The water is running down over the old gutter medal and then running back underneath it. I have rented scaffolding so I can get up there and try to seal this somehow.

Here's what I come up with but not sure if its a good idea or not. Im using blackjack roof patch and screen material to try and seal it up. Im placing roof patch on the metal first then applying a layer of patching fabric to the top edge of the medal roof and bringing the screen down to cover the old gutter medal and then down inside my new gutter. Applying another layer of roof patch over the screen allowing time to dry and then coating it with blackjack 1000 roofing seal.

Im concerned that if this doesnt work I may end ruining my roof new gutters etc. I need to find the most affordable way to fix this problem. As I cant afford much at this time and have already spend a lot of money on the gutters, roof patch, roof seal etc. Please advise if Im doing the right thing or wrong thing. I open to all suggestions. Need help trying to save my walls and ceiling. :( Thanks

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:06 am
by Norm Frechette
have you asked the gutter installer to return and fix this problem? that would be my first plan of attack

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:56 am
by AmyH

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:21 am
by AmyH
Well the roof patch doesnt work on the edge of the roof its not thick enough to stay there it runs. So the screen and roof patch is a no go. Can anybody offer some help and ideas here this issue is going to destroy my ceiling and walls. Thanks

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:55 pm
by DaleM
Do you have a metal roof? If so, is it arched or a gabled style?

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:34 pm
by bobfather99
If the installer won't back up his work, I would report him/her to the BBB. You have a right to leak free gutters!!!

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:50 pm
by AmyH
It is a metal mobile home roof its not rounded style it is pointed and slanted. I have Multiple Sclerosis and trying to fix this is about to kill me. lol. I placed another call to the contracter earlier and they said all they can do is put some caulk on it. I dont think that is going to be a very good fix! I need a really good long lasting fix. My home is a 1990 model fleetwood but in excellent condtion or was. Roof, walls, floors have never needed any repairs or had leaks in the past. I need this home to last me my life time and that was the point of replacing the rusting small V type mobile home gutters. I thought I was doing a good thing but now I think I may have destroyed my nice home. sigh

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:16 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. Depending on what they use for caulk it may work very well. It is hard to say with out seeing what you are up against.

I would give him a chance to make it right, AND make sure that it's in writing that his work is guaranteed not to leak for at least a year.


Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:16 pm
by AmyH
Here are some pictures. It would take gallon of caulk. Take a look. ... Y2aPCZBzVc

they even left some rags inside the gutters. :(

Any suggestions?

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:35 pm
by AmyH
Another link to pictures in case that one didnt work. ... 2039AB!104

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:47 pm
by Greg
I'm going to assume that he had to drop it that low to maintain the pitch. I think I would try to slip a piece of flashing about 5" wide under the original gutter and into the new gutter. That should prevent any water from getting behind the new gutter.


Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:57 pm
by AmyH
How would you suggest fastening on the flashing? Rivets ? Then sealing the flashing again with some caulk or something?

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:55 pm
by AmyH
I just called the contractor again and suggested your solution to fix this. Advise them about the flashing. Someone is coming out tomorrow to take another look. Thank you again. Im still interested on knowing what would be the best way to attach the flashing? At least the contractor is now listening. I think.

Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:39 pm
by Greg
Pop rivets would work, All you need to do is hold it in place, there should't be any real stress on it.

Glad to hear you're getting some action.


Re: New Gutter Installation Problem Need Help

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:04 pm
by AmyH
We get some strong winds here. Is that going to make a difference in relation to stress? And pushing the flashing in and out from wind may cause some stress on the old metal? And is that going to rattle really bad? Thanks again for your help. Sorry so many questions.