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Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:34 pm
by Guest
I'm thinking of just removing the carpeting for now and leaving the subfloor down at the moment. I have issues about standing on dirty carpet. :lol: I know it can be cleaned but after doing some renovations and seeing what is underneath carpet, it just totally disgusts me. :roll: Also, that will give us a chance to look at the subfloors and really inspect them. If they are too bad, hubby will get to them sooner. What do y'all think? This would just be a temporary solution, three months at the most. Flooring would go in before late fall. We've had field mice in this house we are in currently from all the construction and I think little bugs, animals, varmints, etc can live in and leave droppings in carpets. Since I have so many young ones around, I like the idea of laminate. That's what we used in one of our home renovations and I like them better than the hardwoods we have now. It's just that I have to be careful for at least six weeks and not lift anything or do anything that would strain abdomen or risk having another surgery. No thanks. :-) So, I can paint but floors will have to be worked on when hubby is off work. He's installed them in at least five rooms before so it should go fast.

Not that I'm interested in doing this right now, but I saw this link the other day and thought it looked very interesting and a cost cutter for those needing a less expensive flooring. :-) ... floor.html

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:38 pm
by kashton
I too was disgusted what was under our carpets. We went with Laminate through-out. We lived without flooring for a couple of weeks, so we could replace any plywood that needed to. Wasn't bad. Made the kids wear slippers all the time.

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:55 pm
by Yanita

Since your user name is Mom2Many I would use caution on how long these floors will be unprotected. Especially if you have particle board floors. You might be fine in the common rooms, but areas like the kitchen and baths I would not leave unprotected.

I checked out the link you left, cool looking floor, I would sooner do it to a wall though. Although it says will last for years, it does not say how many people live there. Alot of items the duration changes when its a family of many vs a couple with no at home kids.



RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:26 pm
by Guest
I was just thinking that I should say I don't think faux leather floors would be practical for us with five of ours 10 and under, but perhaps someday or for someone else. :-)

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:54 pm
by LynnieCheb
Five kids under 10?

Bless your heart! I got tired just thinking about it............

Lynnie C.

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:39 am
by kashton
With an 11yr, and 7yr old, I'm exhausted. Hubby is home and we have a puppy. I don't even want to get up in the morning. First thing I think about in the morn is when I can go for a nap!

If it wasn't for the sleep thing, I would have lots of kids. I love babies. But, nobody ever told me that when the reach the terrible two's, it gets worse from there. They turn into teens!

Mom to Many,

Good luck with the floors. They will be done soon enough. Just make sure that you choose what is durable for your family size, but won't put you in the poor-house. I know when you see what is under the carpets, you want to destroy them, cause all you can think about is the kids playing and rolling around with the grunge.

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:38 am
by LynnieCheb
ROFL! Didn't have my son until I was almost 30. (He's now 21, so that shows you how many years ago!) Difficult pregnancy, difficult delivery, he was colicky for the first five months and I was working full-time. Told my family all I wanted for my 30th birthday party was to get a motel room and sleep, sleep, sleep all night through. Instead they had a big old whonking surprise party for me with the baby in attendance. Nice thought, but what a disappointment!

Now that my nest is empty, I cherish every nap I take.

Mom of Many - what a cool link you posted! I've seen that faux leather technique used on walls and have wanted to try it. I'm not sure how it would hold up with foot traffic, but IMHO it would certainly be worth a try!

Lynnie C.

RE: Living on Subs Temporary

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:17 pm
by busybee1952
Hi Mom to Many,
I hated the dirty nasty carpet too and yanked it all out, cut it up into 3' wide pieces and used it between the rows in my garden. Then after pulling all the staples out of the particle board floor, I painted them with a couple of coats of deck paint, mostly because if you get particle board floors wet, they are ruined. They don't look too bad just painted and can be mopped when the children spill their kool-aid. ... rdone3.jpg ... color2.jpg