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Bathroom Fan

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:50 pm
by LisaBoyer
Still working on this bathroom...has anyone ever changed out the dial fan switch, to just a plain on/off one? This dial hasn't worked since we moved in, it "ticks" and sounds like the dial is working, but the fan never comes on. I'm either putting in a manual switch, or capping the wires and covering the whole thing with a faceplate. My concern with swapping the switch, is electrical issues, fire danger, etc. Has anyone done this, and encountered problems?

Re: Bathroom Fan

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:29 pm
by Greg
There are a few possible problems. First. are you sure you have power to the switch? the timer is a manual timer so you don't need power to run that part of the switch. Is it possible that the fan is bad?

If you are sure that it IS the switch, there is no problem just installing a "flip switch".


Re: Bathroom Fan

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:38 pm
by ponch37300
There is nothing wrong with putting in a regular switch instead of the timer, all of mine are regular switches. The purpose of the timer is to allow you to leave the fan running after you are done in the bathroom in order to get the moisture out and then it shuts off on it's own.

There is no risk of fire or other things just by putting a regular switch in place of the timer. Just be sure you know what you are doing or hire an electrician, or fire could result.