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Water Heater Draining

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:41 pm
by LisaBoyer
Have you ever asked a question, knowing that the answer would make you feel like an idiot?

I would like to drain our water heater, so we can move it and replace the bathroom faucet. The water heater is in a little walled off cubby, in the adjacent bedroom's closet. There is a long walk down a hallway, and living room, our closest exit. I'm not sure how to drain the water, other then a garden hose running to the bathtub. Is that how it's done??

We always had stick built homes, with the water heater in the garage, and I can't remember once, having to drain it. So, please humor me with this question!

Re: Water Heater Draining

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:01 pm
by Greg
You will need to run a hose lower than the tank, you may be able to use the tub otherwise it will be out the door.
Here's Ron's video of the job. ... ter_heater
