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How much is too much to pay for 1964 Skyline Homette trailer

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:23 pm
by Jean
I have no experience in the pricing of trailers. Can someone give me any information and advice.



Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:16 pm
by Greg
Jean, Hi & welcome. How much??? Very tough question to answer. There are a LOT of factors to think about.

Obviously the first is over all condition. Yanita has a "sticky" post in the repair section of the forum of the site.

Location, any land? If it's in a park, the quality of the park is a major factor.

Keep in mind here in NY, ANYTHING that is livable is worth a $1000. It's funny that you ask about that particular home since I have the same one next door that was just sold for a dollar (after he rented it for 3 years). I would value his in the $4000 range. Greg

RE: How much is too much to pay for 1964 Skyline Homette tra

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:33 pm
by Greg S
The value really depends on the market you are in. As with anything you will need to research the local market, comparison shop to get an idea of what homes sell for.
In Canada, as an example, I would have to pay upwards of $20,000 for the same home that would sell in Florida for maybe $3000.

Not knowing your local market can be costly. Recently a home sold in my park for $68,000 that should not have sold for a cent over $45,000. The buyer unfortunately knew nothing about mobile homes and bought the first one she saw at a ridiculous asking price.

RE: How much is too much to pay for 1964 Skyline Homette tra

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:42 pm
by Yanita

Your right, location, location, in eastern NC you can get something of that vintage for 500.00...LOL, wait until a week latter and they will almost pay you to haul it away. It can be in perfectly good living condition and the terms will still be the same.


RE: How much is too much to pay for 1964 Skyline Homette tra

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:51 am
by Harry

Yep...It's a location specific issue.

Down here I've seen MHs like that for free and all you pay is lot rent.
