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Searching for Roof info

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:49 pm
by Roger K
When reviewing earlier posts it was suggested to search "JD" because he is the roof guru, The site will not let me input "JD" - not enough characters.
When I search metal roofs it shows many off topic posts.
Can you help?

Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:56 pm
by JD
Using this search link, " JD " will bring up my posts. I imagine " jd roof " would bring roof posts.

I don't know about the guru part. I have just been doing this work for a long long time. I actually spend as much time repairing floors and decks as I do roofs. Was there a particular question?

Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:25 pm
by Greg
JD, Face it, by default YOU are the "Roof guru". There will be a little extra in your pay this week!! :lol: Greg

Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:30 am
by Lorne
Very little pay.
JD GURUs' the roofing down instead of using nails. Laughing HA HA.

Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:14 pm
by Roger K
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry for starting such astir about your skills.

the link did work but it may be quicker to simply ask my question weven if it has been answered before.

I have a 79 victorian that has a "Domed Roof" and has a slight transition in the roof near the center.
can the metal roof described in the repair manual be installed on this type of roof?
do I need a roof Cap or will the metal conform to the domed roof.
How is the transition from higher elevation to lower elevation completed?
I there someone that has done this before?
If so can photos be posted?
Thank you for your help.


Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:32 pm
by Greg
Roger, I have not put this type of roof down, but we have gotten feed back that it will conform to the domed shape pitch.

Mark, the site owner has a section in his book that deals with it, and there are some posts in this section of the forum as well.

As for JD, He is GOOD, if you look at pictures of some of his jobs you can easily see just how skilled he is. Greg

Re: Searching for Roof info

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:08 am
by JD
I also have not installed one of these roofs. I have a different roof product. But the metal panels will comform to the dome shape, but it can't do a dome and a bend lengthways with the panel. The panel will really resist bottoming out against the roof in the uphill bend. You may have to add support there. Where the previous panel will be domed, the one at the bend will tend to straighten out.